understand • innovate • partner • deliver
Link US Qualifications | EXP
As a multidisciplinary practice, EXP has been infrastructure focused since our founding. With over 90 offices, we have California-based offices in San Francisco, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Glendale and San Diego.
125+ professionals in California
5 offices in California
#8 MEP ENR - California, 2019
LEED Proven Provider
ENR, 2019
With a mission to understand, innovate, partner and deliver , EXP provides engineering, architecture, design and consulting services to the world’s built and natural environments. Our heritage dates back to 1906, when the earliest of EXP ’s predecessor companies started its engineering infrastructure practice. Today, over 3,000 creative EXP professionals across North America provide the passion and experience needed to deliver successful projects around the world.
Ju Kim Construction Operations Manager
Khalil Saba, pe Transportation Sector Lead
Anh Case , pe , ccm Director of Construction Management
Timothy Kirkley Senior Construction Engineer-Transportation
Portia Gonzalez, pe , qsd / qsp Drainage Lead / Area Manager
Gabriel Rodriguez, pe Civil + Utilities Lead / Area Manager
Derek Benedict, pe Transit Project Manager
Sampath Goolla, pe , leed ap Transit Lead / Area Manager
Link US Qualifications | EXP
As a multidisciplinary practice, EXP offers diverse experience in planning, design, project management and construction phase services for transit projects. We have designed award- winning stations for urban transit systems; provided integrated services for operations centers, maintenance facilities and multi-modal hubs; and led construction phase services such as tunnel monitoring and on-site construction engineering and inspection (CEI). We continue to expand our services and markets to meet the needs of our clients and their communities to improve their transit infrastructure. Across North America, we have been involved in significant transit programs, have industry leading experts and work with our clients to transform communities one project at a time.
Civil • Track / Guideway Design • Transit Structures • Transportation Planning • Traffic Engineering + Modeling • Roadway Design • Environmental • Geotechnical • Survey + Geomatics • Pre-construction Conditions Surveys • Instrumentation Installation + Monitoring • Water + Wastewater
Stations + Facilities • Architecture + Design • Building Structures • Mechanical • Electrical • Plumbing + Fire Protection • Station Technology • Commissioning • Construction Management • Urban Planning + Design • Land Development
Systems + Specialty Services • Communications • ITS
• SCADA • Security
• Lighting Design • Materials Testing • Construction Engineering + Inspection (CEI)
• Program Management • Project Management • Sustainability + LEED • Health + Safety
50+ years of railway + transit experience
Bus Facilities Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Commuter Rail Concourses + Stations
Elevated Rail Heavy Rail Transit (HRT) High Speed Rail (HSR) Light Rail Transit (LRT)
Maintenance Facilities People Movers Streetcars Subways
Link US Qualifications | EXP
EXP’s construction personnel include a versatile team of engineers, technicians and contract administrators with extensive experience in providing professional and technical services for light rail, expressways, tollways, local roads and streets, bridges, railroads, site development and utility projects. From initial pre- construction activities to project close-out, EXP’s staff help clients administer projects to stay on schedule and within budget. Our services include construction engineering, construction administration, on-site inspection, estimating, scheduling, change management, constructability reviews, cost analysis expert opinion review and project documentation. EXP’s field personnel play a critical role as liaison between the owner, designer, contractor and project stakeholders to help make your vision become a reality. EXP’s CM team has worked with clients such as Caltrans, San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG), San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA), Orange County Transportation Agency (OCTA), Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), Amtrak and various cities such as Los Angeles, Seal Beach and Temecula. Key leads across EXP’s southern California team have also worked with California High Speed Rail Authority and Metrolink. a focus on construction management
staged construction and maintaining operations Reconstruction of the Adams Street Viaduct provided removal and replacement of the existing 88-year-old structure from above the grade beams. The viaduct spans over 13 railroad tracks and five passenger platforms of the Chicago Union Station North Concourse. Construction engineering involved coordination for 105 identified utilities to maintain utility services during construction. Work was performed under staged construction and detours for vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The walkway across the Adams Street Bridge has one of the highest pedestrian daily traffic counts of any locations tracked by CDOT. Adams Street Bascule Bridge + Viaduct over Chicago Union Station Reconstruction CDOT | Chicago, Illinois
Toronto Union Station Train Shed Renewal Metrolinx | Toronto, Ontario
This restored 1929 historic building is part of an extensive and ongoing multi- year revitalization plan to make Union Station a more efficient and attractive hub for commuters. Key elements have included historic conservation and restoration of Platform 3, rehabilitation of the train shed roof, platforms and track slabs, and coordination with the Union Pearson Express lines.
construction-phase services on operational railway
EXP’s multidisciplinary services, provided during the construction phase, have been integral to the staging and sequencing of this complex restoration project along an operational railway.
Link US Qualifications | EXP
transit | EXP
95th Street Station Chicago Transit Authority | Chicago, Illinois
Located between the north and southbound lanes of the I-94 Dan Ryan Expressway, the 95th Street Station is the latest large-scale project to improve the Red Line, the CTA’s busiest line. This multi-phase, multi-modal design-build project includes renovation of the existing North Terminal, construction of an entirely new South Terminal, reconstruction of two bridges, a new bus bridge, track and signal work and various street level improvements.
Best of Year Award, Transportation, Interior Design, 2019 Honor Award, Transportation, ACEC Illinois, 2019 Distinguished Building Award, AIA Chicago, 2019 recent awards
value engineering a solution
After a 90% design submittal by another firm far exceeded budget, CTA re-solicited this project for Design-Build proposals. The challenge was to provide an iconic gateway design at the southern entrance to the City of Chicago along the Dan Ryan Expressway within the available budget, utilizing foundation systems already designed and installed, and without any break in construction activities. Due to EXP’s extensive experience with transit projects, and in particular with the CTA, EXP was contacted by both CTA and the CMAR and asked to help them explore options to bring the project back in budget without compromising the program or design intent. With our fully integrated design team, EXP was able to quickly assess the work that had already been done to minimize the time and expense of total redesign, while also developing multiple design concepts to present to the CTA and the Mayor that met their vision of an iconic gateway station.
maintaining operations
Design work was phased to allow fast-track construction. The existing 95th Street Station remained fully operational throughout construction with phased work to maintain operations.
95th Street Station Team
Red-Purple Bypass
Red-Purple Bypass
Link US Qualifications | EXP Bryn Mawr
Red-Purple Modernization
Metro Blue Line Expansion
Chicago Transit Authority | Chicago, Illinois
Société de Transport de Montréal (STM) | Montreal, Quebec
EXP is part of the design-build design team that has been selected to design and build Phase One of the Red and Purple Modernization (RPM) Program. The $2.1B project is the largest capital project in CTA’s history and will deliver improved infrastructure and ridership capacity along Chicago’s most utilized transit lines. This team is designing and building stations, bridges and track along a century- old corridor between Lawrence and Bryn Mawr Avenues on the Red Line, the agency’s busiest line. The project also includes rebuilding the Lawrence, Argyle, Berwyn and Bryn Mawr stations and all the tracks and support structures for more than a mile adjacent to the stations, as well as new bridges, tracks and 3.2 miles of signal system upgrades. Temporary stations are being constructed to accommodate passengers while new stations are constructed. EXP is leading design of the Red-Purple bypass, carrying the northbound-to-westbound Brown Line track over the Red-Purple North Mainline Tracks. The flyover bypass will eliminate train congestion by allowing eight more Red Line trains per hour during rush periods, accommodating up to 7,200 additional customers per hour during rush periods and increasing speeds through the intersection. fly-over bypass Map of the Red-Purple Modernization project scope
This highly anticipated $3.9B program is expanding the blue line eastward for five stops from the existing blue line. The project includes 6km of underground subway expansion, 5 new stations, 2 bus terminals, attachment center, new underground 1,200 space parking lot and renovation of 20 existing stations. The project is anticipated to finish construction in 2026. EXP is part of the JV team providing preliminary design and project oversight services for the Société de Transport de Montréal (STM). EXP is providing a variety of engineering services, including a preliminary studies update, tunnel and building engineering and work supervision / construction engineering and inspection.
EXP | Link US Qualifications
Link US Qualifications | EXP
recent awards
Grand Award , ACEC, 2018 Distinguished Building Award , AIA Chicago, 2018 The Divine Detail Award , AIA Chicago, 2018 Best Projects of 2018, Airports / Transit , ENR Midwest, 2018 Honor Award – Transportation , ACEC-Illinois, 2018 Award of Merit , Structural Engineers Association of Illinois (SEAOI), 2018 Gold Award in Architecture Categories / Arches, Bridges, Viaducts and Gateways , International Design Awards (IDA), 2018
An appropriate expression for a city that is always moving forward, EXP’s design for the new Washington/Wabash station was inspired by the concept that MOVEMENT is at the heart of the transit system, and the “L” is the thread that weaves through Chicago to connect the City of Neighborhoods with the Loop, its iconic landmarks and the Lakefront parks beyond.
phasing within a dense urban environment with 13,000+ anticipated daily entries
new facility built on existing 100+ year old tracks
EXP provided significant improvements and modifications of the track-supporting bridge structure itself. Within the project footprint, the design required the full replacement of four separate 50-foot bridge spans. Two of these spans made use of a through plate girder design with tracks directly fixed to the structural steel beams, meeting head clearance demands for the station’s pedestrian circulation below.
The design resolves the challenges of constructing a new station in this dense urban environment, while maintaining active transit service in one of the nation’s most heavily traveled transit corridors. The project includes the demolition of two existing transit stations; installation of new and modified track super structure, station fare collection areas, two new 425-foot long platforms, and the signature canopies.
Link US Qualifications | EXP
Egl inton Crosstown Light Rai l Transit Metrolinx/Transit Expansion | Toronto, Ontario
The Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit project is one of the largest transit expansion projects in Toronto’s history. It will support future growth across Toronto, and eventually connect to Toronto Pearson International Airport. The 25 km rapid transit line will run along Eglinton Avenue, connecting west to east from Jane Street/Black Creek Drive to Kennedy Station. The tunnel portion will be from west of Keele Street to east of Laird Drive. EXP’s services include pre-construction condition surveys of properties within the zone of influence of the tunnel construction, review and supervision of contractor installations of movement and geotechnical monitoring instruments and monitoring of all instrumentation during construction. In addition, EXP worked with station contracting team to carry out instrumentation installation and monitoring.
unique methodologies to streamline and complete fieldwork and reporting in hours rather than weeks
Toronto York Spadina Subway Expansion (TYSSE)
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) | Toronto and Vaughan, Ontario
An extension of the Yonge University Spadina subway was created, from Downsview north through York University, to the City of Vaughan near Highway 7, over 8.6 kms. A total of six new stations were constructed during this project. EXP was retained to provide geotechnical services including about 130 pre- construction condition surveys of the buildings and other structures along the proposed tunneling route; installation of 14 deep survey benchmarks and monitoring various instrumentation.
Link US Qualifications | EXP
Khalil Saba, PE Vice President / Transportation Sector Lead, California
Khalil brings nearly 40 years of experience in civil engineering and program/project management. He has held multiple assignments in the US, Canada and the Middle East. He spent 13 years with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) serving in numerous roles, including deputy director for program/project management, overseeing the delivery of all phases of Caltrans District 8 highway projects – from planning and environmental work, through to final design and construction. Khalil’s individual project experience includes:
• District 8 Capital Program, Caltrans, San Bernardino + Riverside Counties, CA • Colton Crossing + at-grade Improvements, SBCTA/UPRR/ BNSF, Colton, CA Laurel Street Grade Separation, SBCTA, CA
• San Bernardino County Transportation Program Management, SBCTA, San Bernardino, CA • South Milliken Grade Separation, SBCTA, Ontario, CA • Vineyard Grade Separation, SBCTA, Ontario, CA
Sampath Goolla, PE, LEED AP Vice President / Transit Lead and Area Manager
Sampath brings more than 15 years of expertise in the design and management of infrastructure projects. His project experience includes the planning, design and management for transit systems and large transportation projects. He brings strong transit experience with various agencies and regions and brings knowledge of systems engineering. He previously served as EOR on portions of the California High-Speed Rail project. With experience across design-build and design-bid- build, Sampath brings a demonstrated record in construction management, program management, FTA/FRA process, EIR/EIS, transportation regulations, funding approaches, risk assessments and BIM. Sampath’s individual project experience includes:
TRANSIT key personnel
• BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension (SVBX) Design- Build Project – Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority (VTA), Milpitas, CA • BART, Oakland Airport Connector, Design Build, Oakland, CA
• California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA), California High-Speed Rail (CP#1), Fresno, CA • Metro, Houston Rapid Transit JV Design Build, Houston, TX
Anh Case, PE, CCM Vice President / Director of Construction Management, California
Anh Case has 20 years of structural and civil engineering experience in the areas of rail, bridges and buildings. Her experience includes construction management, QA/QC inspection, planning, scheduling, structural design, quantity takeoffs, cost estimates, plan preparation, and client correspondence. Anh has worked with a variety of agencies, including California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), Port of Long Beach (POLB), Metrolink, Mid-Coast Light-rail Transit and various city agencies. She also has extensive knowledge and experience working and coordinating with Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF), Metrolink and Amtrak. Anh’s individual project experience includes:
• Rail Grade Separation Program Management, OCTA, Orange County, CA • Mid-City Exposition Light Rail Transit (LRT) Design-Build, Los Angeles, CA • Tustin Ranch Road Extension Construction Management, Tustin, CA
• Garden Grove Freeway (SR 22) HOV Lane Design-Build, Orange County, CA • Mid-Coast Light-Rail Transit (LRT) and Coaster Station, Preliminary Engineering Report and Final EIS, San Diego County, CA
Link US Qualifications | EXP
Derek Benedict, PE Transit Project Manager
Derek has over 10 years of experience in consulting engineering and transit projects. He has demonstrated the ability to develop, communicate, and coordinate elegant solutions in complex urban environments, focusing exclusively on engineering and network planning for transit corridors and facilities. In addition to project management and technical leadership roles, Derek participates in the APTA Streetcar Subcommittee and has presented at Rail~Volution. Derek’s individual project experience includes:
Ju Kim Construction Operations Manager
• Connector Partnership JV, LA Metro, Los Angeles, CA • LA Streetcar Consultant Project Management Services, LADOT, Los Angeles, CA • Crenshaw North Extension Feasibility Study, LA Metro, Los Angeles, CA • Oklahoma City Streetcar, City of Oklahoma City, OK
• City of Tucson Modern Streetcar, City of Tucson, AZ • Dallas Urban Circulator Streetcar Project, Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), Dallas, TX • El Paso Streetcar Project, City of El Paso, TX • Red Line Service Improvements, Capital Metro, Austin, TX
Ju brings 29 years of professional experience in transportation engineering and project management. His career includes 21 years as a California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) senior bridge engineer, and as Division Manager of Construction for Orange county Public Works (OCPW), managing county’s construction projects for OCPW. His diverse structure experience includes cast-in-place (CIP) box girder bridges, T-girder bridges, precast I girder bridges and steel I-girder bridges. He also has an in-depth knowledge of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls, various types of retaining walls, soil nail walls, tie back walls, pump plants, maintenance stations, stone columns, soil mixing, bridge retrofit, open channels, cofferdam construction, roadway rehabilitation, drainage and sewer. Ju’s individual project experience includes:
Portia Gonzalez, PE, QSD/QSP Drainage Lead and Area Manager
• San Gabriel Trench Grade Separation Project, SGVCOG, San Gabriel, CA • I-405 Improvement Project, OCTCA, Orange County, CA • SR-57 Widening East Katella Avenue to East Lambert Road, Caltrans, Orange County, CA
• I-5 Freeway Widening, Caltrans/OCTA, Buena Park, CA • SR-57/SR-60 Interchange, Caltrans, Diamond Bar and City of Walnut, CA • I-5/805 Interchange, Caltrans, San Diego, CA
Portia brings more than 27 years of experience. She has served as project manager for various transportation projects in California, Arizona and Nevada, and has served as drainage and stormwater manager for the California High-Speed Rail Authority electric- powered high-speed rail (HSR) system in California. She has worked with Caltrans (Districts 7, 8, 11 and 12), SBCTA, RCTC, OCTA, SANDAG and LA Metro, among others. Portia’s individual project experience includes:
• California High-Speed Rail, San Jose to Merced and Merced to Fresno Segment, CA • Metro Gold Line, Sierra Madre to Azusa, CA • Exposition Light Rail Transit, Los Angeles, CA
• sbX Bus Rapid Transit, San Bernardino to Redlands, CA • RCTD Avenue 52 Railroad Grade Separation, Coachella, CA • RCTD Avenue 56 Airport Blvd/Railroad Grade Separation, Thermal, CA
Timothy Kirkley Senior Construction Engineer/Transportation
Gabriel Rodriguez, PE Civil/Utilities Lead and Area Manager
Tim has close to 40 years of experience in transportation engineering, with expertise in construction project management, traffic signal systems, land and construction surveying, inter-government operations, engineering services and project management. He has administered contracts providing photogrammetry materials, including mapping and 3D survey data. Tim’s experience in construction project management encompasses railroad grade separations, bridge replacement, soundwall, traffic signal communication systems, as well as freeway landscaping and irrigation projects. His individual project experience includes:
Gabriel has more than 20 years of civil engineering experience in the design and management of transportation and public infrastructure projects. He has executed projects from preliminary engineering and alternative analysis through final design and construction management. Gabriel brings experience with a number of agencies, including LA Metro, Orange County Public Works, SBCTA, Riverside County Transportation Department, Riverside Transit Agency, as well as local agencies. Gabriel’s individual project experience includes:
• Expo Light Rail Blue Line Design/Build, Los Angeles, CA • OmniTrans sbX BRT Project, San Bernardino, CA • Palm Ave Railroad Grade Separation,San Bernardino, CA
• I-10 Pepper Avenue Bridge Replacement • SR-22 Garden Grove Freeway Improvement Design/ Build, Orange County, CA
• Rail Road Crossing Quiet Zone, SANBAG, Colton, CA • Caltrans District 7 Engineering On-Call, Los Angeles, CA • West Valley Connector, Omnitrans, San Bernardino County, CA • sbX “E” Street Corridor BRT, Omnitrans, San Bernardino, CA
• Dockweiler Extension, City of Santa Clarita, CA • Rancho Vista Grade Separation, City of Palmdale, CA • Avenue 52 and Grapefruit Grade Separation, City of Coachella, CA
Nazli Karimi Risk and Project Controls Manager
Nazli brings over 10 years’ experience in risk management, change management, cost management, subcontract management, project controls, project estimating and engineering. She has worked on numerous infrastructure projects from the proposal phase to engineering, construction and handover. Nazli brings extensive experience in qualitative and quantitative risk assessments for major projects, and has led risk management for major rail programs such as the Washington, DC Purple Line P3 project, California High Speed Rail and Denver North Metro Rail. For three years she worked closely with risk and project controls team on the Crossrail project, Europe’s largest infrastructure project, performing cost and schedule risk analysis. She has developed corporate risk libraries, risk management plans, risk register templates and selected risk information systems for quantitative and qualitative analysis - deploying them on 80 projects across the globe. Nazli’s individual project experience includes:
Sampson Ho, P.Eng., M.Eng., PMP Vice President / Chief Engineer of Transit
Sampson has more than 37 years’ experience in the rail and transit industry, primarily in director, project manager and project controls manager positions. He has directly worked on high speed railway, light rail transit, subway/rapid transit extension, tunneling, viaducts and at-grade guideway, storage and maintenance facilities, airport transit line, infrastructure works and other industrial facility projects. Sampson previously served as Director, Construction Zone South, for the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation, where he managed construction of the 180km high speed rail. Sampson’s individual project experience includes:
• Finch + Sheppard LRT, Metrolinx, Toronto, ON • Eglinton Crosstown LRT, Metrolinx, Toronto, ON • TTC Civil Infrastructure (LRT), Design and Construction, RTI, Toronto, ON
• Taiwan High Speed Rail Corp., Taiwan • Mass Transit Railway Corp., Operation & Maintenance Division, Hong Kong
• Purple Line Project (P3 Light Rail, 16-mile rail transit system), Washington, DC • Denver Metro North Rail, Denver, CO
• Whitechapel Station, Crossrail PDP, London, UK • Silver Line Metro Project, VA
Link US Qualifications | EXP
Mindy Viamontes , AIA Project Manager / Senior Project Architect
R. Shankar Nair, PhD, SE, PE, NAE Senior Vice President / Chief Structural Engineer
In his 45 plus years of engineering practice, Dr. Nair has focused on structural engineering for large architectural and civil engineering projects. The quality of engineering in this work has been recognized by more than 30 awards, including four American Institute of Steel Construction “Prize Bridge” awards and six of the Structural Engineers Association of Illinois’ annual “Most Innovative Structure” awards. He was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering in 2005 for his “contributions to the art and science of engineering through the design of innovative bridges and building structures.”
Mindy is a project manager with over 13 years of experience in all phases of rail transit station planning, design, and construction. She has vast experience coordinating multidisciplinary teams on rail stations. She manages project teams, including civil, structural, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing engineers and acts as the primary point of contact for clients, consultants and contractors. Outside of work, Mindy has honed her leadership skills through professional organizations and community involvement.
• Washington/Wabash Elevated Station, CDOT, Chicago, IL • 95th Street Terminal Improvement, CTA, Chicago, IL • Red-Purple Modernization, CTA, Chicago, IL
• Belmont/Jefferson Park Blue Line Stations, CTA, Chicago, IL • Illinois Medical District StationRehabilitation, CTA, Chicago, IL
• Washington/Wabash Elevated Station, CDOT, Chicago, IL • 95th Street Terminal Improvement, CTA, Chicago, IL • Red-Purple Modernization, CTA, Chicago, IL • Belmont/Jefferson Park Blue Line Stations, CTA, Chicago, IL
• Illinois Medical District Station Rehabilitation,CTA,Chicago, IL • Quincy Loop Station Upgrades + Restoration, CTA,Chicago, IL • Red Line Rehabilitation, CTA, Chicago, IL
Matthew L. Aklan, PE Project Manager / Senior Structural Engineer
Rene Lipp, P.Eng., M.Eng. Project Manager / Track Engineer
Matt is a project manager in the pursuit, management, design and delivery of rail transit related projects. His expertise includes rail and structural engineering (transportation structures and vertical structures). He is experienced in traditional and alternative project delivery including design-build. Matt’s individual project experience includes:
Rene brings over 18 years of experience in rail and transit engineering projects across North America and internationally. His experience ranges from trackwork manufacturing to factory acceptance testing and installation; and from owners engineering to supporting railway operations and maintenance. Having been actively involved in the field, Rene has worked with the major players in the rail and transit industry and conducted site visits along the Northeast Corridor.
• CTA Red-Purple Modernization, Chicago, IL • Washington Union Station Metro Access/Capacity Improvements, Washington, DC • Virginia Railway Express Broad Run Maintenance Facility, Prince William County, VA • CTA Ravenswood Connector Signal Project, Chicago, IL • Minnesota Department of Transportation Northstar Light Rail Transit Rail Slab Track, St. Paul, MN
• Denver Regional Transportation District, Elati Light Rail Facility Mezzanine Design Retrofits, Denver, CO • MTA Failure Analysis and Reconstruction of Retaining Wall (MARC station), Baltimore County, MD
• Scarborough Subway Extension, Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), Toronto, ON • Turnouts with Additional Track, Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) Toronto, ON
• Terminal Design Study and Cost Estimating, Pacific Gateway, Seattle, WA • Union Station, Toronto Terminal Railways, Toronto, ON • RBM Frog Turnouts, Caltrain, CA, USA
Monoj Sircar , MS, PE Structural Project Manager
Monoj is a civil and structural engineer with 35 years of experience in steel and concrete structural design. His breadth of expertise includes industrial and commercial buildings, pedestrian bridges, retaining walls, and rail and marine structures. Monoj has a deep knowledge of the engineering principles and practices of complex infrastructure projects. He is also proficient in contract evaluation and administration, interdisciplinary interfacing, and project engineering management and oversight. Monoj served as an expert witness at the Prince George’s County Circuit Court in Maryland on wall related issues.
Kyle brings extensive international experience in engineering, procurement and construction in the transit, aviation and civil sectors. With diverse experience in alternative project delivery, he brings technical expertise in contract management and administration, project controls, bid management, as well as program management. He gained experience on iconic multi- billion dollar international infrastructure projects, including roles of increasing scope and responsibility on the Hamad International Airport in Qatar, Edmonton Valley Line and Finch West LRT P3’s in Canada, and the Kosovo Motorway Route 7.
Reinaldo has 30 years of experience in design/build, P3, transportation, municipal, water and land development projects throughout North America. He has led numerous multi-billion- dollar P3 and design/build transportation projects. Reinaldo led the design for the London Ontario BRT Phase 1 Segment 2, and brings additional experience on the Eglinton Crosstown LRT, Finch West LRT, Edmonton Valley Line LRT, Transform 66 Outside the Beltway and Highway 407.
• Silver Line Phase I, Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, (Northern) Virginia • Marine Works for Wylfa Nuclear Power Project, Anglesey, Wales
• Riyadh Metro Rail Project, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia • Edmonton Light Rail Project, Edmonton, Canada • Ottawa and Finch West Light Rail Projects, Canada • Corpus Christie LNG Project, TX
Anh Case , PE, CCM Vice President, Director of Construction Management
Shelly McCarthy Vice President, Los Angeles Area Manager m: +1.213.300.3966 e: shelly.mccarthy@exp.com
m: +1.714.423.8171 e: anh.case@exp.com
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