Expresso 17 | Shaping tomorrow

EXP has been building, refurbishing and maintaining hydroelectric generating stations in Quebec with more than 300 renewable energy projects completed since 1970. Our energy teams have tackled many challenges over the years, building lasting relationships with our clients and colleagues along the way. Together, our expertise works to benefit the hundreds of thousands of people connected to Hydro-Québec’s vast network. This synergy continues to drive our energy teams, and we can certainly sense it when Stéphan Mongeon, engineer and project manager at our Montreal office, talks about the role EXP is playing in the project to refurbish the Rapide- Blanc hydroelectric generating station in Quebec’s Mauricie region.



Collaboration and coordination Commissioned in 1934, the Rapide-Blanc station has been a very powerful source of clean, renewable and reliable energy, injecting 204 megawatts into Hydro-Québec’s network. In December 2018, Hydro- Québec gave our team the immensely complex job of completely rehabilitating the station. And we do mean completely. The work will continue through 2026 and include replacing all electrical and mechanical systems, repairing several architectural elements, renovating the control room and replacing six generating units. Once


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