
3. Our Work Environment

a. Equal Opportunity and Employment Practices

At EXP we offer equal employment opportunities without regard to any distinctions based on prohibited grounds, such as age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, religion, citizenship, marital status, family situation or country of origin. employees are prohibited from making employment related decisions based on any of these grounds. The Company strictly forbids child labor practices and forced / compulsory labor practices.

b. Harassment and Discrimination

Harassment, including sexual harassment, bullying in the workplace and discrimination of all forms are prohibited. Employees must also comply with the related Harassment policies and procedures put in place by Human Resourc- es.

c. Workplace Violence

The Company has a zero-tolerance policy against violence in the workplace. Employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and treat each other respectfully. employees who are violent or make threats of violence in the workplace will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

d. Health and Safety

Our employees’ safety is of paramount importance and is viewed as a fundamental corporate responsibility. em- ployees must make decisions on behalf of the Company that reflect the highest level of commitment to the safety, health and well-being of fellow employees and any other individuals who may be affected. EXP strives for an injury-free work environment for the benefit of our employees and clients. Compliance with our Health and Safety policies and procedures and all applicable laws and regulations is mandatory for all employees.


Workplace Injuries and Illnesses

Employees who are injured on the job must immediately notify their supervisor and, if there is an emergency, seek immediate emergency help.


Drugs and Alcohol

To protect their own safety as well as that of their colleagues, Employees undertake not to work under the influ- ence of any substance that could impair their judgment or interfere with the effective and responsible perfor- mance of their duties. Of course, medication provided by an Employee’s physician to treat a medical condition is allowed provided it does not interfere with the safety of others and the Employee’s ability to perform their duties.


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