
table of contents

Message from the President & CEO


1. Introduction


a. To Whom Does the Code Apply b. Obligation to Comply with the Code; Annual Acknowledgment c. Responsibilities of all EXP person d. Manager’s Responsibility e. Reporting Violations of the Code of Concerns Regarding Financial Reporting f. Compliance with Laws Generally g. Decision-Making Checklist

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2. Business Integrity


a. Bribery and Kickbacks b. Dealing with Government Officials and Lobbying Activities c. Political Activities and Contributions d. Charitable Donation e. Gifts and Entertainment

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3. Our Work Environment


a. Equal Opportunity and Employment Practices b. Harassment and Discrimination

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c. Workplace Violence d. Health and Safety

i. Workplace Injuries and Illnesses ii. Drugs and Alcohol

e. Privacy of employee Records

4. Our Business Practice Principles


a. Use of Company Property

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i. Physical Assets and Technology ii. Intellectual Property

iii. Company Funds and Business expenses iv. Timekeeping and Expense Reporting

v. Confidential Information vi. Email and Internet Use

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