expresso: mentorship


great opportunity to cultivate his skillset as a junior engineer as he worked toward obtaining his professional designation in the coming year. Ben realized that Derek had a lot of potential to grow into a larger role at the firm, and together they looked for opportunities to get out to site, see a project firsthand, and meet the people involved. “I was just on site yesterday,” says Derek. “Through talking to the contractor, I learned about a new app that could show how much torque was being applied through a helical pile – from my phone, in real time! You don’t always get that kind of knowhow in the office. In the end, it’s all about communication.” Ben and Derek developed an open exchange of constructive criticism and feedback that has helped Derek realize where he needs to improve. “To me, it’s an effective way to recognize where I can make adjustments,” says Derek. “When you’re honest about your shortcomings, you have a chance to make a positive change. To have such a seasoned professional help guide me through my career is invaluable.”

BEN WEISS, P.ENG. Senior Engineer, Earth + Environment, Geotechnical Burnaby, BC DEREK CHAN, B.A.SC., EIT Engineer-in-Training, Earth + Environment, Geotechnical Burnaby, BC



Often, employees work for years, or even decades, without having a mentor to guide them through their career path and professional goals. This can hinder career advancement, especially if they are not aware of how to approach the work and learn from the opportunities they are given. To avoid this pitfall and set his career on track, Derek Chan, who had been an engineer-in-training (EIT) for five years decided to approach Ben Weiss, a senior engineer on our Earth and Environment team. He explains, “I am set on achieving my professional designation (P.Eng.) and needed a role model to show me the ropes.” As a senior project manager, Ben has several decades of experience in the industry and a vast knowledge of all aspects of geotechnical engineering. Derek saw this as a


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